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Top 50 Angular Interview Questions

Angular Interview Questions, ANGULAR WITH CORE .NET AND MVC RAZOR ENGINE        Angular Interview Questions 1.            What is architecture of Angular  ? 2.            What is singleton in Angular ? 3.            Major difference between BehaviourSubject and Subject? 4.            What is ngContent? 5.            What is ngTemplate ? 6.            What is ngContainer  ? 7.            What is Component Factory ? 8.            What is @ContentChildren and @ContentChild 9.            What is @Input and @Output 10. Best ways to interact among components 11. Difference between CSS and SCSS 12. Performance Improvement in Angular 13. Major Difference between Angular and AngularJS 14. What is service worker ? 15. What is AOT and IVY in Angular ? 16. What is Reactive forms in Angular? 17. What is Template Driven forms in Angular ? 18. What are the NPM dependencies? 19. How to implement localization in Angular ? 20. What are the advantage and drawback of Singl