
Extensibility Architecture API

Extensibility Architecture API , ANGULAR WITH CORE .NET AND MVC RAZOR ENGINE Extensibility Architecture API  Extensibility Architecture API This chapter will explain some of the essential aspects of ASP.NET Core from an extensibility point of view. We will learn more about hosts and servers, as well as about creating a custom server. We will revisit the concept of middleware, delving deeper into more advanced scenarios. As mentioned before, RESTful APIs deliver resources located on a specific URI, which can be driven by routing. We will also learn more about routing from a practical standpoint. In the last section of this chapter, we will cover hosting services, which are used for running concurrent background tasks within an ASP.NET Core application. Hosts and Servers The concepts of hosts and servers play a vital part in the RESTful architecture. We can implement a host with a server that listens for remote requests by clients in ASP. NE