Your First API Application


 Your First API Application

In the previous chapter, we got a concise overview of ASP.NET Core and the relevant technologies. This chapter will focus on helping you create a simple API application using some of the tools we covered previously.

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to create a new API application using one of the pre-defined templates in ASP.NET Core. We will look at how to deal with dependencies across the codebase while still maintaining loose coupling between the components. This chapter will also cover the autonomy of the application start-up mechanism to understand how to configure the application initialization process, and, lastly, we will be creating a simple API endpoint that is ready for consumption.

Getting Started

Note:  We are using  Visual Studio 2019

From within Visual Studio 2019, click File, then select New and click Project. If you
are a keyboard ninja, you could also do this by pressing Ctrl+Shift+N. Below Image shows
the New Project dialog that will be displayed.

Click on the next button enter your project name, choose a location, and click on create button then below dialog box will display. From below dialog box Select Empty and click on create button

All files located in the same directory as the project file are included in the project
by default. This behavior can be altered by specifying the patterns to include or exclude
using the Folder element. External dependencies, like other project references, external
tools, or NuGet packages, are defined inside an ItemGroup. 
In our example, a NuGet package called Microsoft.AspNetCore.All are referenced.
Because we do not need to unload the project to alter the project file, any changes are
immediately reflected upon save and can be directly observed in the project structure.
Let’s examine the Program.cs file:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;

using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
namespace My_First_API
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
        public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
                .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>

The starting point of any .NET-based application is a static Main function inside a
Program class. In an ASP.NET Core 2 application, a web host is initiated by calling the
BuildWebHost function, which invokes WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder, which uses the
Builder pattern to create a default web host.

Calling the WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder function returns an IWebHostBuilder
that allows us to pass the application configuration inline or use the provided extension
methods to fluently define or override specific configurations, like servers, URLs, logging, web and content roots, and so forth.

The default web host is automatically configured to use the current directory as the
content root; load optional configurations from various sources; log console and debug
output; use the Kestrel server, a new cross-platform web server; and run on IIS if it is
available. We will learn more about the configuration model, logging, and servers in
coming sections.

Dependency Injection

Before we move on, it is essential to understand the concept of dependency injection
(DI). Having dependencies between the components of an application is inevitable, and
if the references to them are not correctly designed, it can have a negative impact on
the maintainability of the code. DI is a design pattern to allow instances of objects to be
passed to other objects that require them at runtime.

Let’s say we have a class called ComponentA that is using ComponentB. The following
example shows a typical scenario where no DI is used, and as a result these components
are tightly coupled together:

public class ComponentA
        private readonly ComponentB _componentB;
        public ComponentA()
            this._componentB = new ComponentB();
    public class ComponentB
        public string Name { get; set; }

Instead of directly referencing an instance of ComponentB, we can decouple it by
introducing an IComponent interface to abstract away the implementation and expect
an instance of type IComponent in the constructor of ComponentA. In the example that
follows, the previous code is now refactored to use DI, having ComponentB implement
IComponent so that there is no direct reference to an instance of ComponentB anymore:

interface IComponent
          string Name { get; }
    class ComponentA 
        public readonly IComponent _IComponent;
        public ComponentA(IComponent _IComponent)
            this._IComponent = _IComponent;                
    public class ComponentB : IComponent
        public string Name { get; set; } = nameof(ComponentB);

When we run this code as is, it will result in a NullReferenceException error
ComponentA is expecting an object of type IComponent, and although
ComponentB implements the IComponent interface, there is nothing configured to pass in the required instance of IComponent to the constructor of ComponentA.

For the code to run without this issue, we need a mechanism to pass the correct
instance of a requested type during runtime. This can be achieved by making use of an
Inversion of Control (IoC) container to register all the required dependencies and their
instances. There are many frameworks available on NuGet that provide IoC containers
for dependency resolution, namely 
Unity, Castle Windsor, Autofac, and Ninject.

ASP.NET Core implements DI as a first-class citizen in its infrastructure and has
an IoC container built into its core. Most of the moving parts of this framework are
abstracted away from each other to promote extensibility and modularity. This means
that if you choose to use your own favorite IoC container instead of the built-in one, you
absolutely can.

Application Startup

Now that we understand the concept of configuring and starting a web host, we can
focus on the actual bootstrapping configuration of the application. The 
the method is one of the critical methods that extend an IWebHostBuilder and registers a class that is responsible for configuring the application startup process.

Across ASP.NET Core we will notice that dependencies and configurations conform
to a certain Add/Use style by first defining what is required and then how it is used. By
explicitly specifying components we need, it optimizes performance and thus increases
the application’s performance, as we only pay for what we use, not the whole thing.

In the startup class, the Configure method is responsible for the actual configuration
of the application’s HTTP request pipeline and is required by the runtime. This method
can contain many dependent parameters that are resolved from the IoC container.

Let’s build on the previous examples to have our application print out the name of an
IComponent to the response when invoking it and show the Configure method in action:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())
            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
                endpoints.MapGet("/", async context =>
                    await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World, Welcome in the world of Development!");

Creating an Endpoint

Now that we have a good understanding of how ASP.NET Core initializes a web host
and bootstraps an application, let’s dive right into building a couple of endpoints for

As explained previously, the IApplicationBuilder.Run method ultimately executes
when the application runs and accepts a RequestDelegate as a parameter, which
receives the HttpContext object. Referring to the example in the previous section, the
response will always be the same, regardless of the URI in the request.

In addition to the Run method of IApplicationBuilder, there is also the Use
extension method for intercepting requests that could potentially short-circuit the
pipeline or let the request through to the next layer in the pipeline. The Use extension
method takes in a RequestDelegate for providing the HttpContext, but also receives a
RequestDelegate for the next layer.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) {
app.Use(async(context, next) = >{
if (context.Request.Path == "/foo") {
await context.Response.WriteAsync($ "Welcome to Foo");
else {
await next();
app.Use(async(context, next) = >{
if (context.Request.Path == "/bar") {
await context.Response.WriteAsync($ "Welcome to Bar");
else {
await next();
app.Run(async(context) = >
await context.Response.WriteAsync($ "Welcome to the default"));

The order in which the Run and Use methods define RequestDelegates is significant,
as the runtime will execute each layer in precisely the same order as it was created. In the
preceding example, the first layer checks the request path of the incoming request. If it
matches /foo, it short-circuits the request and directly sends the appropriate response
back, else it executes next(), which is the next RequestDelegate layer in the pipeline
and so on. If the request manages to bypass all the previous Use layers, it eventually
executes Run, which sends the default response back.

Wrapping Up

In this chapter, we covered quite a lot about creating your first application in ASP.NET
Core. After exploring the new template experience offered by Visual Studio 2017, we
dove right into the inner workings of the new project system and how a web host is
created. Furthermore, we got a brief overview of dependency injection and learned the
importance and benefits of applying Inversion of Control within our application. We also
dissected the application-startup process to completely understand how it works under
the hood, and lastly we learned how to implement different API endpoints using some of
the provided extension methods on the application builder.
In the next chapter, we will go deeper in the rabbit hole to explore even more exciting
concepts of ASP.NET Core’s extensibility architecture.

With ❤️ Happy Coding


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